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Open Beta Test for ZULA Has Started!
Can you feel this burning smell of gunpowder and heat coming from burning hot weapons? The servers of the new shooter ZULA have opened their doors to everyone! The open beta test was successfully launched on July 26, 2018
Imperial Hero II: now in Russia
Destiny.Games and Imperia Online are pleased to announce that Imperial Hero II, a popular browser game, is now available in Russia and CIS countries. The joint launch of the Russian version was carried out on September, 11, and since then, has bee...
A new step in the Destiny's evolution
Destiny Development has announced changes that going to happen in the company. Major restructuring have been initiated by the new company management and its new director. As a step to global renewal, company is going through full rebranding, and i...
Drift racing MMO-Survival game launching
Destiny.Games Team has launched a new project - Drift King: Survival. This is the first game in the race genre for the company, which makes it unique among previously published games. The game is developed exclusively by our company and it's avail...